Short annotation:
The effectiveness of human resource management can lead to the higher corporate performance and new innovations. The main role in promoting creative and innovative culture seems to be strategic. Many human resource management approaches have a positive impact on the innovation process. In the management of organizational changes, the employees are a decisive factor. In this article you would have clarification for the resistance of employees to the change and also how to minimize that resistance with the support of effective change of management. For the use of certain resources, we are able to minimize the resistance to change so that it is possible to make a change in the shortest timeline and with the minimum loss of profits.
Keywords (minimum 6-8 words or phrases):
Change, Efficiency, Feedback, Human Resources, Planning, Resistance, Timing
Research question:
What resources can be used to minimize resistance to change?
How to Reduce the Employee’s Resistance to the Incoming Change in Organization.

Fig. 1 Percent of employee resistance seen avoidable (The source:
If you did some business in past or if you own a business, you know very well that small and larger changes are an indispensable part of corporate life. However, your employees may have a different view and may not accept the changes that easily. The resistance to change is in most cases a very serious obstacle to the further advancement of the company. In particular, if the company has to pass it in order to survive the market or acting better in the future on the market. The good news is that if you communicate openly, honestly and in time with employees, you are helping to create a very positive environment and your team is preparing for the brighter future. Regardless of the business sector or country in which the company operates, employees often think that organizational changes can endanger their work in the future. This can be a huge obstacle. If employees do not understand why the changes are happening, it can even result in the fact that the company has no change in the goal. Employee resistance in this case is also a key factor, why there is also a number of transforming companies from one owner to another. The effective change management could avoid the fraction of resistance that are experienced from employees and managers. Participants in Prosci’s2013 study commented that much of the resistance they encountered could have been avoided if they applied solid change management practices and principles on the start of the process of the change. The main Idea is: if you do change management right the first time, you can prevent much of the resistance from ever occurring. (see Fig.1).
What is the Reason or Why Changes Happening in Business?
There are many reasons why a calm corporate life “distorting” various change:
- One company is associated with another,
- One company sells the share or the whole business of another- merger,
- The company moves to another place – or part of the business is moved to different location,
- Company name Change – due to new owner or new start on the market
- Internal processes are changing due to legislative changes,
- Those who are responsible for introducing important changes must devote their time to explaining the background of such decisions and why these changes are important to the company and company future.
What is Ideal Communication or How to Communicate Changes to Employees?
There is no perfect guide, versatile for any situation that is in the company can happen. However, the right instruction does not exist. Every change is specific to the company business. The biggest communication mistake is happening when the change of company does not notify the employees or intentionally is classified.
When you are communicating changes to your employees, keep in mind the following principles:
- Timely communication – follow schedule according by the plan
- Accurate, clear and sincere communication- pay attention to details
- Emotions are normal – every person will act differently
- Inform employees what changes they have- highlight details
- Inform employees when the changes are happening – accurate planning and flexible acting is important
- Inform employees what to do – you to need explain each step of change to details
- Ways to communicate changes – this has to be carried in positive manors
- Listen carefully – feedback is very important
Positively timed communication
People who creating the change mistakenly think that the employees do not bear the truth. This is a mistake and is not the truth. People react in every way better to sincere communication. When this communication is carried out in mindful way of respect, people will give a respect for the other party. There is nothing worse when the absence of internal communication creates a ground for guesswork. It is not an incurring start of communication already at the moment that there is nothing yet and to respond to the possible emergence of the FAs. You can be transparent and continue to avoid critical topics.
Detailed, clear and understandable communication
The first step to take a specific change is to keep in mind the specific goal that needs to be met. You should ask yourself the question: How much products do we sell more than the target group and when? This significantly increases the chances of a successful change. You already know what the goal is and whether you are approaching or moving throughout of each step. Otherwise, it’s stays only as unspeaking slogans. The studies also confirm that the setting of unclear or ambiguous targets makes it unnoticed by people.
Any calming or evasive communication of important facts will highlight feelings that the company hides something. Employees are trust the leaders only when they receive clear, simple and specific communication as possible. Simply, change the facts and tell them what they are going to change and when.
Every change is carried with Emotions
Listen to what the employees say about the changes they are waiting for. Initial resistance and questions are normal. Take the time and pay your attention to the detailed explanations throughout communicating from the first message. Try to think about possible employee issues in advance and be more proactive in communicating than just reactive.
Explain to the employees what changes they can expect and highlight benefits
Explain the benefits of the change and how employees will benefit from it. Confirm that something will be different. Admit that not everyone will like it. Please note the general benefits that business and employees receive.
It is normal that if you communicate proactively, you do not have answers to all possible questions. Admit it openly with the addition that answers to them will come later. It will support the reliability and transparency of your continued communication. Definitely don’t try to hide anything, it could return back to you with a negative effect. Don’t forget to thank employees for their patience, cooperation’s and support in the next level of change.
Inform your employees when the changes will happen
Your Employees will feel more confident and will prefer to take changes if they know, not only what is happening, why this is happening, but also when this is happening. If you need to present a detailed plan, do it, it would be for your benefit. If you think that you just need to put a plan on basic points, imagine it. Whether graphically, in writing, or verbal at meetings with employees. Make sure that you have 100 percent explained the background of the expected changes in sufficient order for employees to understand which of the following steps will occur.
Communicate clearly with your employees and tell them what exactly to do
If any of the changes are directly dependent on your employees please tell them as soon as the procedure is defined. It is important that you are prepared prior to the steps that are you going to do in relation with them. Pay attention to consideration for possible issues, explaining and highlighting the reasons for changes and possible benefits from them. Be ready for reactions from your employees.
How to communicate changes in company?
Initial communication on important changes is expected and is always the best when those are received from the highest-ranking employee in the corporate hierarchy. Consequently, there is always a room for communication from the Human resources department and also by cascading from other layers of management for a more detailed discussion in each team.
It is very important that individual leaders are the keeper of change. If the change does not comprehend them, you will never reach your side or your employees.
Do not hesitate to use as many communication channels as possible to support the adaptation of the change: e-mails, internal announcements, intranet, company meetings. However, personal meetings are most effective. Whether those with all employees or meetings on a smaller forum you normally have.
Feel free use all your creativity and establish opportunities for meetings your employees with leadership. Pay more attention to the communication changes, instead of other topics you will be resolving daily. Do not underestimate the fact that employees already know this and your work has ended after you have released the first information. Your task is to continue to repeat (what, when and how it happens), until the change process is completed.
Most important aspect of the change is to Listen to your employees – feedback is very important
Remember that employees need to be listen to. Be ready to improvise, devote more time to communication crisis. Empower employees to ask their thoughts, to dispersive their fears and explain the reasons for change – as sincere and brightest as possible. If you already have mastered the previous steps, the leaders are on your side and will help you explain and smooth the concerns of other workers and thus to be a better adoption of the change. Speaking honestly and clearly is the key to communicating with employees in all circumstances, but especially in crisis communication and times of organizational change. I have explained all resources that can minimize employee resistance to change, what is basically answer for my hypothesis. Now it is only about your professional approach how you will deal with these issues. I wish you good luck with that…
1. Warren G. Bennis, Kenneth F. Benne, and Robert Chin The Planning of Change, (Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 1969), 487 pages, ISBN-10: 0030636825, ISBN-13: 978-0030636820
2. Peter F. Drucker, The Practice of Management (Harper and Row, 1954).416 pages, Harper Business;
Re-issue edition (October 3, 2006), ISBN-10: 0060878975ISBN-13: 978-0060878979
Ing. Zdenko Kyselica, MBA
LIGS University
prof. RNDr. Michal Greguš, PhD.
Univerzita Komenského, Fakulta managementu
Ing. Jaroslav Vojtechovský, PhD.
Univerzita Komenského, Fakulta managementu
Digital Science Magazine, Číslo 1, Ročník VII. ISSN: 1339-3782